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Fresheners for the Youngest


Residents of the Krakow area know very well that the freshness of the air must be taken care of - especially in the autumn and winter, when the smog arrives. At Vesuvius, we always try to be helpful to others. That is why in November we decided to help the youngest - we purchased air fresheners for Kindergarten No. 3 in Skawina. From now on, children can enjoy the purity of air, and their parents do not worry about their children's breathing.


Vesuvius cares for children safety


On December 17, we were guests in Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3 in Skawina. We organized a meeting “Bezpieczna Szkoła – Bezpieczny Uczeń” (“Safe School – a Safe Student”) where we discussed safety at school and on the street.  We also reminded the rules of road traffic and other rules of everyday conduct in different situations. The school holds “Szkoła Promująca Bezpieczeństwo” (“Safety Promoting School”) certificate, therefore we could not turn down their invitation. The main part of our meeting with children was a special contest with questions. It turned out that the students were flawless in the answers! We decided to reward them with colorful gifts from Vesuvius. The meeting was hosted by: Anna Włodarczyk-Mazgaj (HR Business Partner) and Monika Jędrzejczyk (HR). Our Master of Production, Paweł Pasterak, presented protective clothing in Vesuvius and answered all the questions children had about working with us. Additionally, we donated 65 reflective vests to the school - because safety first!


We are helping The Beautiful Angels



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